Kniha lesa  Emily Bone, Alice James, ilustrace Nat Hues

Kniha lesa Emily Bone, Alice James, ilustrace Nat Hues

Od drsných kmeňov až k vrcholkom stromov a vetvám plným lístia. Poeticky ladené ilustrácie vás prenesú do lesa. Zhlboka sa nadýchnite a počúvajte jeho príbeh.

Naj... KONE v pohybe  Sandra Laboucarie, ilustrace Hélene Convert

Naj... KONE v pohybe Sandra Laboucarie, ilustrace Hélene Convert

Veľká kniha o koňoch plná dômyselných ilustrácií, odklápacích okienok a pohyblivých prvkov zoznamuje deti so všetkým okolo koní, vrátane histórie a športov.

Teším sa do školy  Elanor Best, ilustrace Charly Lane

Teším sa do školy Elanor Best, ilustrace Charly Lane

Kniha so samolepkami s vytláčacími dielmi plná aktivít pre predškolákov. Po ich vyplnení zostane jedinečná spomienka na škôlku, pamiatka a záznam schopností.

Veľká kniha zvukov v lese

Veľká kniha zvukov v lese

Veľká kniha zvukov zvierat z lesa je plná informácií o lese a lesných zvieratách. Vďaka zvukovému modulu s viac než 50 zvukmi sa deti naučia zvieraciu reč.

Receptář ve znamení zvěrokruhu

Receptář ve znamení zvěrokruhu

Autorka je horlivou zástankyní nejmodernějších smerů v racionální výživě. Autor: Alice Pinková Autor: Alice Pinková

In search of happiness

In search of happiness

This is one of a trilogy of books on spiritual themes by James Houston, Founding Chancellor of Regent College, Vancouver, and now Professor of Spiritual Theology there. Autor : James Houston

In search of happiness

In search of happiness

This is one of a trilogy of books on spiritual themes by James Houston, Founding Chancellor of Regent College, Vancouver, and now Professor of Spiritual Theology there. Autor : James Houston

James Scotty

James Scotty

Nie je to ľahké vyrozprávať, čo sa toho leta stalo Scottovi Pieremu a jeho poníkovi, lebo od samého začiatku isšlo o viacej, nielen o jednoduchý príbeh chalpca a jeho koňa. Autor: James Aldridge

James Scotty

James Scotty

Nie je to ľahké vyrozprávať, čo sa toho leta stalo Scottovi Pieremu a jeho poníkovi, lebo od samého začiatku isšlo o viacej, nielen o jednoduchý príbeh chalpca a jeho koňa. Autor: James Aldridge

Essentials of Sociology

Essentials of Sociology

Welcome to Sociology! You are about to embark on a fascinating yourney in witch you will discover new and interesing infromation about yourself and the world around you. Thi is study guide has been prepared to accompany the textbook Sociology : A Down-to-Earth Approach by James M. Henslin. Autor : James M. Nehslin

Essentials of Sociology

Essentials of Sociology

Welcome to Sociology! You are about to embark on a fascinating yourney in witch you will discover new and interesing infromation about yourself and the world around you. Thi is study guide has been prepared to accompany the textbook Sociology : A Down-to-Earth Approach by James M. Henslin. Autor : James M. Nehslin

Pearson English Readers: Alice in Wonderland  (Lewis Carroll | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishOne hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole – and arrives in ‘Wonderland’. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody’s head! 

Les - Objavujeme

Les - Objavujeme

Leporelo s okienkami, v ktorom sa deti naučia spoznávať krásy lesa: nájdu ukryté zvieratá a tiež sa o nich niečo dozvedia. Kniha vyniká jemnými ilustráciami.

Pearson English Readers: Alice in Wonderland + Audio CD  (Lewis Carroll | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Alice in Wonderland + Audio CD (Lewis Carroll | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishOne hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole – and arrives in ‘Wonderland’. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody’s head!

Education in Christian Schools

Education in Christian Schools

James Cunningham serves on the Educations Faculty at Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Canada. He also serves as Director of Admissions and Adult Education. Autor : James D. Cunningham, Anthony C. Fortosis

Education in Christian Schools

Education in Christian Schools

James Cunningham serves on the Educations Faculty at Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Canada. He also serves as Director of Admissions and Adult Education. Autor : James D. Cunningham, Anthony C. Fortosis
