The Myth of the Greener Grass

The Myth of the Greener Grass

J. Allan Peterson is founder and president of Family Concern, Inc., based in Wheaton Illinois. He travels extensively, speaking in seminars on family life. He alson edited the best-selling books For Women ONly, For Men Only, For Families ONly, nd The Marriage Affair. Autor : J. Allan Peterson

The Myth of the Greener Grass

The Myth of the Greener Grass

J. Allan Peterson is founder and president of Family Concern, Inc., based in Wheaton Illinois. He travels extensively, speaking in seminars on family life. He alson edited the best-selling books For Women ONly, For Men Only, For Families ONly, nd The Marriage Affair. Autor : J. Allan Peterson

Planet Paleo Hydrolyzovaný grass-fed certified hovädzí kolagén – Pure Collagen 450g

Planet Paleo Hydrolyzovaný grass-fed certified hovädzí kolagén – Pure Collagen 450g

Ochutnajte jeden z najkvalitnejších kolagénov od britskej značky Planet Paleo, ktorý obdržal certifikáciu Grass-Fed, ktorá garantuje, že mäso pochádza 100% z voľného chovu. V 1 dávke nájdete 7,5 g čistého kolagénu, typ 1 a 3.

Mythus about Missions

Mythus about Missions

The conviction that much of our missionary thinking is based on myths, rather that on biblical truth, had been with me for a long time. The invitation from President Vernon Grounds and Professor Ralph COvell to deliver a series of mission lectures at the COnservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver, Colorado, crystallized my desire to share my concern about the mixture of myth and Scripture with students and whit other thinking Christians. Autor : Horace L. Fenton, Jr.

Mythus about Missions

Mythus about Missions

The conviction that much of our missionary thinking is based on myths, rather that on biblical truth, had been with me for a long time. The invitation from President Vernon Grounds and Professor Ralph COvell to deliver a series of mission lectures at the COnservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver, Colorado, crystallized my desire to share my concern about the mixture of myth and Scripture with students and whit other thinking Christians. Autor : Horace L. Fenton, Jr.

Roads to follow

Roads to follow

Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the ses; Over snow by winter sown, And trought the merry flowers of June, Over grass and over stone, And under mountains in the moon. Autor : Helen M. Robinson, Marion Monroe, A. Sserl Artley, Charlotte S. Huck

Roads to follow

Roads to follow

Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the ses; Over snow by winter sown, And trought the merry flowers of June, Over grass and over stone, And under mountains in the moon. Autor : Helen M. Robinson, Marion Monroe, A. Sserl Artley, Charlotte S. Huck



You are living, and wherever you go youll find other living things. Threes are living things, and so are chattering squirrels that peek from the leaves or crows that croak the branches. Grass is a living thing, and so are ants and beetles that scurry trought it or lambs and foals that gambol on it.



You are living, and wherever you go youll find other living things. Threes are living things, and so are chattering squirrels that peek from the leaves or crows that croak the branches. Grass is a living thing, and so are ants and beetles that scurry trought it or lambs and foals that gambol on it.

Planet Paleo Hydrolyzovaný hovädzí kolagén pre lepšiu pokožku, nechty a vlasy - Primal Goddess 210g

Planet Paleo Hydrolyzovaný hovädzí kolagén pre lepšiu pokožku, nechty a vlasy - Primal Goddess 210g

Primal Goddess kolagén od Planet Paleo je veľmi starostlivo a odborne formulovaná zmes hovädzieho grass-fed kolagénu, synergicky pôsobiacich ovocných bobúľ, vitamínov a koaktívnych živín pre zdravé vlasy, nechty a pokožku.
