Reading for Christian 5

Reading for Christian 5

Josh Flower lay on the briaded rag rug in front of the big pot-bellied stove. He marked his place in the book he was reading and looked up. Ma was rocking Buddy, gently humming Rock of Ages.

Reading for Christian 5

Reading for Christian 5

Josh Flower lay on the briaded rag rug in front of the big pot-bellied stove. He marked his place in the book he was reading and looked up. Ma was rocking Buddy, gently humming Rock of Ages.

Reading for Christian Schools 2-2

Reading for Christian Schools 2-2

On your mark! Get set! Go ! shouted Sam Clam. The crowd cheered as the lobsters raced down the beach.

Reading for Christian 6

Reading for Christian 6

Long go in eastern lands, it was a custom that the king of a new dynasty would seek to destroy all the relatives of the previous ruler.

Teaching, Reading at Home

Teaching, Reading at Home

Who could benefit from studying Teaching Reading at Home and the textbook for witch I wrote this supplement, The Writing Road to Reading? Altrought Mrs. Spalding wrote her book primarily as a guide for parents-teachers with childern in K-4th grade. Autor : Wanda Sanseri

Teaching, Reading at Home

Teaching, Reading at Home

Who could benefit from studying Teaching Reading at Home and the textbook for witch I wrote this supplement, The Writing Road to Reading? Altrought Mrs. Spalding wrote her book primarily as a guide for parents-teachers with childern in K-4th grade. Autor : Wanda Sanseri

Reading for Christian Schools 5

Reading for Christian Schools 5

Jennifer stretched out face down on the dry boards of the dock and peered trought one of te crack. Below her, the shadowed water swirled around the posts. Slashes of sunlight poured trought the cracks and rode the tiny ripples of seawater.

Reading for Christian Schools 5

Reading for Christian Schools 5

Jennifer stretched out face down on the dry boards of the dock and peered trought one of te crack. Below her, the shadowed water swirled around the posts. Slashes of sunlight poured trought the cracks and rode the tiny ripples of seawater.

Learning Language Arts trhourgt Literature

Learning Language Arts trhourgt Literature

In the 1950s we were told that Johnny cant write either. Reading and writing go hand in hand. Reading is a way of receiving informaiton, while wirting is a way of giving it.

Learning Language Arts trhourgt Literature

Learning Language Arts trhourgt Literature

In the 1950s we were told that Johnny cant write either. Reading and writing go hand in hand. Reading is a way of receiving informaiton, while wirting is a way of giving it.

Reading for Christian Schools 3-2

Reading for Christian Schools 3-2

And old yellow school bus jolted down the bumpy South Texas road. On each side of the road stretches endless, flat fields. In the fields dried grasses huddled in clumps against the winter rain. Inside the bus, nine-year-old Maria Martinez shivered and gripped the edge of the seat with one hand.

Reading for Christian Schools 3-2

Reading for Christian Schools 3-2

And old yellow school bus jolted down the bumpy South Texas road. On each side of the road stretches endless, flat fields. In the fields dried grasses huddled in clumps against the winter rain. Inside the bus, nine-year-old Maria Martinez shivered and gripped the edge of the seat with one hand.

Of People Literature

Of People Literature

Throroughly Christian, highly readable, and richly varied, each anthology in this series offers features never before avaible to English classes in Christian schools. All selections have been made on the basic of Christian principles, with emphasis on character.building and life-enriching themes.  

Of People Literature

Of People Literature

Throroughly Christian, highly readable, and richly varied, each anthology in this series offers features never before avaible to English classes in Christian schools. All selections have been made on the basic of Christian principles, with emphasis on character.building and life-enriching themes.  

Danny Orlis on Superstition Mountain

Danny Orlis on Superstition Mountain

These miniature Christian Classics date from the year 1984 when D. L. Moody first saw the need for inexpensive Christian literature. Some of the finest writing on a variety of Christian themes are avaible in the Moody Colportage Library. Autor : Bernard Palmer

Danny Orlis on Superstition Mountain

Danny Orlis on Superstition Mountain

These miniature Christian Classics date from the year 1984 when D. L. Moody first saw the need for inexpensive Christian literature. Some of the finest writing on a variety of Christian themes are avaible in the Moody Colportage Library. Autor : Bernard Palmer
