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1000 Comic Books You Must Read is an unforgettable journey through 70 years of comic books. Arranged by decade, this book introduces you to 1000 of the best comic books ever published and the amazing writers and artists who created them.
See Superman from his debut as a sarcastic champion of the people, thumbing his nose at authority, to his current standing as a respected citizen of the worldExperience the tragic moment when Peter Parker and a generation of Spider-Man fans learned that with great power, there must also come great responsibility Meet classic characters such as Archie and his Riverdale High friends, Uncle Scrooge McDuck, Little Lulu, Sgt. Rock, the kid cowboys of Boys' Ranch, and more.Enjoy gorgeous full-color photos of each comic book, as well as key details including the title, writer, artist, publisher, copyright information, and entertaining commentary.
1000 Comic Books You Must Read is sure to entertain and inform with groundbreaking material about comics being published today as well as classics from the past.
Bazárový tovar! 1000 Comic Books You Must Read is an unforgettable journey through 70 years of comic books. Arranged by decade, this book introduces you to 1000 of the best comic books ever published and the amazing writers and artists who created them. See Superman from his debut as a sarcastic champion of the people, thumbing his nose at authority, to his current standing as a respected citizen of the worldExperience the tragic moment when Peter Parker and a generation of Spider-Man fans learned that w
Pozoruhodná zbierka komiksov o holokauste, ktoré uviedli celú generáciu do pútavej a dôležitej historickej témy. Obsahuje rozhovory s autormi a ilostrátormi.
Praktická látková taška na každodenné nosenie do školy, práce či na nákup. Štýlový doplnok s priestranným vnútrom, do ktorého zmestíte všetko potrebné.
Sada zberateľských Marvel pohľadníc s ikonickými obálkami komiksov o X-menoch z posledných 60 rokov. Obsahuje 30-stranovú knižku s kľúčovými momentmi X-menov.
Kolekcia 100 zberateľských pohľadníc Star Wars. Zachytáva najlepšie obálky komiksov a filmov z celej histórie, od New Hope až po súčasné vzrušujúce príbehy.
Sada Marvel zberateľských pohľadníc s obálkami komiksov o Spider-Manovi za posledných 60 rokov. Známe postavy zo Spider-Verse - Gwen Stacy, Venom, Miles Morales atď.
Royal Dirties Comics #1 is the first comic book by the group of artists known as Royal Dirties. This first issue contains a comic story Memento, six comic stories about Ronald & Donald, 2 chapters about The Undertaker from Mokvas by Martin Jurík, a postcard story and comic strips by Tomas Galata. Ronald & Donald is a couple of cute bunnies who perform their everyday battle for dignity, understanding, money, and mostly food. Some of their actions may be considered harsh or even violent. The
Royal Dirties Comics #1 is the first comic book by the group of artists known as Royal Dirties. This first issue contains a comic story Memento, six comic stories about Ronald & Donald, 2 chapters about The Undertaker from Mokvas by Martin Jurík, a postcard story and comic strips by Tomas Galata. Ronald & Donald is a couple of cute bunnies who perform their everyday battle for dignity, understanding, money, and mostly food. Some of their actions may be considered harsh or even violent. The
Autor: Art Spiegelman On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its first publication, here is the definitive edition of the book acclaimed as "the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust" (Wall Street Journal) and "the first masterpiece in comic book history" (The New Yorker).
Štýlová, kvalitná látková taška s nápisom Read Between The Wines. Skvelý darček pre milovníka kníh a vína. Priestranná taška na nákup, do školy alebo práce.
From the creators of Cyanide & Happiness comes a card game where players compete to finish an awful comic strip. The creators said: Someone on the Internet once told us that making stick figure comics is easy as hell, and that we were ugly and stupid. They were right on all counts. So, after crying for a few hours, we created the Random Comic Generator which since its inception in 2014 has entertained millions with its computer-generated comedy. After a few weeks of playing with the Random Comic
The heroes of Dota 2 forge eternal legacies amidst the chaos of battle as they ward off assaults on their Ancient and push ever closer to the destruction of the enemy's. Now glimpse beyond mere allegiance to Radiant or Dire into the storied lives of these legendary warriors with Dota 2: The Comic Collection.
Populárna kniha z edície Studio Ghibli art books, ktorá obsahuje množstvo informácií zo zákulisia z klasík ako Spirited Away a My Neighbor Totoro.
Látková taška s nápisom Books are my Jam z česanej bavlny. Praktická taška, do ktorej zmestíte všetko, čo potrebujete. Skvelý darček pre milovníka kníh.
Milujete knihy a štýl? Objavte originálnu bavlnenú tašku na plece s motívom Books - elegantnú a praktickú tašku na každú príležitosť - do školy, práce alebo na nákup!